
Pastor's Blog


There are many passages in the Bible which I have stained with my tears. It could be that others could say the same. I was reading one day when I ran across this admonishment, “If I cannot speak of victory over sin, it is better that keep silent.” Personally, I have found that victory over sin is found only through Jesus’s triumph over it. “If we say that we have not sinned, we are in self decep on. Self conceit leads to self deceit which leads to self defeat. Have you ever felt like Isaiah when he cried, “Woe is me, for I am undone”? I have, and I am not ashamed to admit it. What about the Psalmist when, in his trans- parency, he says, “I was born in sin and shaped in iniquity.”

I have never had to go the scripture to nd a sinner. I was exhibit “A”, and am an example of God’s mercy. Matter of fact, the day after I gave my heart to Christ I went and bought a Bible, knelt over it by the bedside, and as I read, God gave me a prayer language and the interpretation. It was as simple as the first words of a child. “God have mercy.”

My heart spoke to me that day of my rejection of Christ, my moral failures, and my need for a Savior. I thought of the missed opportunities that were the result of my procrastination, and I was ashamed. I strayed from the path I was taught to follow because of the pleasure of sin, which is only for a season. It reminds me of what my friend, Harvey Payne, used to say. Sin always leaves a scar, and that is the reason Jesus had scars on his resurrected body. Sin always leaves a scar in your life, but it has a way of keeping you humble.

I have wept tears of sorrow and tears of joy over sins forgiven. Today, it is my privilege and shear joy to proclaim, as a pastor, the forgiveness of sins and the pardon that is available to whosoever will. Have you ever named your sin before Him? Who is your sin bearer? Admit it, repent of it, and quit it!!!

I believe in you!

Cleddie and GayNell Keith

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