
Pastor's Blog


My friend, Ernest Anderson, had this to say about the “Prime Time” years of believers: “One of the great reasons for human existence is that in the period of time allotted to each one, all must learn to serve their generation to great good advantage. This is the purpose of God for one and all so that life is lived significantly and successfully. It distinctly states this with regard to David, the outstanding and memorable king of Israel. Of him it is recorded that, ‘After he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep....’ –Acts 13: 36.”

“Only one life will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” How can we hit the pause button on life when we have a pulse? How can it be a time to rest, when we have the experience of life behind us and moral fortitude is still fueling our dreams? The very fact that you are reading this is a sign to you that God still has a purpose for your life. I have had more people of late ask me what God’s purpose is for my life. It seems that many people have a renewed sense a necessity and responsibility in regard to what is going on in the world.

My father-in-law was a classic “Prime Timer”. After his retirement (for health reasons), he told me one day that his ministry had always been local, but now was universal. He prayed eight hours a day for ministries around the world. He did not want to live without significance. I believe he counted, and I believe you count, in the grand scheme of things of which God is in control. He was not going to allow himself to become a “GOOD OLD HAS BEEN”.

We believe in you! We need you!

We love you!

Cleddie & GayNell Keith

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