

Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.

Romans 15:7

We hope you feel right at home at the Heritage Fellowship website today.  We do not believe your visit to our church website is by chance, so we invite you to join with us as we worship, learn, grow, and encourage one another.  If you are searching for a church home, we’d like you to know that there is a place for you at Heritage Fellowship.

Throughout history, many churches across America and around the world have been actively pursuing revival for their generation.  At Heritage, we have experienced such revival for the last three decades, yet we are still hungry for more. Out of this hunger, we have begun to nurture something greater than a revival generation — a Revival Culture.

Nurturing something greater than a revival generation.

Across the globe, there are tribes or cultures that consistently pass on their beliefs, character, and passions from one generation to another.  In a Revival Culture, we are training our members to pass on their beliefs, character, and hunger for the pursuit of not just one day in our King’s presence, but everyday.

At Heritage, we believe this can only be done by everyone finding their place within the body.  However, it goes deeper than just getting “plugged in”; in order to culture revival, each member must not only find their place, but also find someone to mentor and plug in as well.  This is an exciting opportunity to grow as a unified body by growing through relationships.

We hope you enjoy your visit with us.  We understand how important it is to choose the right church.  Should you feel this is the place for your family, we look forward to growing with you as we strive to pass on our hunger to many generations to come.

We believe in you,
Pastors Cleddie & GayNell Keith