And they will call them, "The holy people, The redeemed of the Lord"; And you will be called, "Sought out, a city not forsaken."

Isaiah‬ ‭62:12‬ ‭

The heart of the Young Adults Group is to see the next generation grow in righteousness and in their walk with God, and to equip and help develop the gifts that the Lord has already given them.  Our desire is that they would know Him and make Him known by pouring into others and walking out those giftings in their daily lives as Holy Spirit leads.

Group starts at 6 pm with a meal and fellowship and at 7 pm we begin with worship and getting into the Word.  We end at 9, but often hang out for a while.   No worries if you have to come a little late due to jobs or school, we are pretty chill and would love to have ya! 

Meeting Details
Ballman's House
Every Other Tuesday
6pm - 9pm

Group Leaders
Josh and Jessical Ballman

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Matthew 28:19-20

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