
Pastor's Blog

God’s Gift To The World

God’s Gift To The World

Our theme for the month of December is: OUR GIFT TO GOD’S WORLD. CHRIST IS GOD’S GIFT TO US, AND WE ARE GOD’S GIFT TO THE WORLD. Have you ever thought of yourself as a gift to those around you? It is thoughts like this that can change the trajectory of a person’s life.

A Mighty Fortress

A Mighty Fortress

For several days this verse has been running over and over in my mind. Over the years when there has been national distress, this verse has served as a reminder to me of the fact that a Mighty Fortress is our God. It awakens me to the truth of God’s keeping power, and also that we can always find a way to go deeper into His protective promises even if it is only under the shelter of His wings. In Jeremiah 49, we are offered a glimpse of what happens when God judges nations that chose to strut across the pages of history as they will never cease to exist. He even brings to task those nations that practiced child sacrifice, as well as those who may have thought they were invincible. God had a blueprint for those who defied Him then, and He also has a blueprint for those who would defy Him now.

Bad Religion

Bad Religion

1.Bad Religion calls evil good and good evil. 2. Bad Religion goes soft on sin. 3. Bad Religion makes excuses for sins (God does not forgive excuses. God forgives sin.)
4. Bad Religion condones what God condemns. 5. Bad Religion denies that the Blood of Jesus is necessary for salvation. 6. Justifies carnal living. 7. Bad Religion says there is more than one way to Heaven.

Happy Thanksgiving Week 2020

Happy Thanksgiving Week 2020

I wanted to give thanks to God for you this week and to let you know that we are very thankful that you allow us to be a part of your life. Thanksgiving week is always a wonderful time for families to get together and celebrate the love of God and all of his blessings to us. I found a verse this week that resonated in my spirit with how I feel as we have gone through what seems to be the worst of times for so many people.



This is a great Thanksgiving chapter for us during our holiday weekend.

Truth Can Never Rest In Peace

Truth Can Never Rest In Peace

Have you ever thought about this? TRUTH CAN NEVER REST IN PEACE. Let me borrow your thoughts for just a moment. In my morning devotion a few days ago, I was studying the word truth. Did you know that John, in his Book of the Bible, uses the word, truth 22 different times? I will start with this well-known verse to prime your thinking.

This Little Light of Mine

This Little Light of Mine

What can the righteous accomplish when truth’s pillars are destroyed and law and order collapse? Yet the Eternal One is never shaken — he is still found in his temple of holiness, reigning as Lord and King over all. He is closely watching everything that happens. And, with a glance, his eyes examine every heart. For his heavenly rule will prevail over all. He will test both the righteous and the wicked, exposing each heart..” Psalms 11:3-5

America Was No Accident

America Was No Accident

America was no accident. I have said for years that America is God’s idea and you and I are a part of America and matter of fact we are America. We need to remember it was verses like this that God built this nation on Psalm 33:12 The Message 10-12 God takes the wind out of Babel pretense, He shoots down the world’s power-schemes. God’s plan for the world stands up.

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